Opening Hours
10 am to 2 am
Average Price for a Meal
$$ out of $$$$
Payment Method
+84 8 629 136 77
No email available
No website available
25 Dong Du, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Halal assurance by restaurant staff
CrescentRating: Not CrescentRated
Halal certified
Modern Turkish cuisine was conceived at the tables of the Ottoman Sultans, whose delicate tastes fashioned a unique fusion of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and Central Asian culinary themes which in turn became the most sophisticated fare in the world. Today’s Turkish dishes retain the same multi-cultural character where even the simplest meal illustrates that blend of Oriental and European flavours.
Opening Hours
10 am to 2 am
Average Price for a Meal
$$ out of $$$$
Payment Method
+84 8 629 136 77
No email available
No website available